Clients we work with

Host your best event to date

Geographical and logistical boundaries are a thing of the past - plan your virtual fair with Graduateland.

Flexible events that fit your agenda

Graduateland is far from one size fits all. Personalise your landing page, select your features, and all content. Get ready for your best event to date.

Capture your audience with the perfect solution

Graduateland is a highly personalisable platform. Go fully digital or hybrid. Recruit students or connect your audience with employers. Our solutions are catered to your needs.

Premium Features

Offer exhibitors additional value during your online career events. Premium Features include:

  • Additional exposure of exhibitor stalls
  • Highlighted logos and increased exposure
  • Unlimited jobs and recruiter accounts
  • Pop-up advertisement
  • Gamification packages

Ask our team for the best suggestions of how to create tiers for your clients.

The preferred virtual event provider of Europe's top universities and recruiters

We continue hosting hundreds of events all over Europe. Join the club.

Tailor-made events

We offer on-platform chat, 1:1 conversations, presentations and webinars, breakout rooms, reporting, live statistics... Add as many or as few features as you need.

Our clients say it best

Our clients say it best - here's why they love our event platform.

Get a price quote

Get a price quote or ask us any questions you may have - we are here to help!

Contact information

Reach out and we will help you with your virtual career event needs.

Customer Success Stories

We continuously host virtual events around the globe. Join the club.