Graduateland is now trusting JobTeaser for your career, create your account now.

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Join a network of key universities
Leverage your university brand and expose your students' talent to the world

When your students' careers are in focus

Partnering up with Graduateland includes your university in an international network, benefiting both your students and alumni, the career services at your university, as well as the local employers in your region.
Career opportunities and content are shared across the network thus making the reach of all involved parties greater. By improving the overview of relevant opportunities for your students and alumni you ultimately increase their chances of landing the job of their dreams.
For both students and employers, MyCareer at Lund University has quickly become the go to place in terms of searching for jobs and young talents.
Since we implemented the career site in May 2012, a broad number of our students have signed up, and thousands of employers have uploaded relevant vacancies.
Susanne Linné
Career Services Coordinator
External Relations Division
Lund University
CBS CareerGate has quickly become the preferred job searching tool for our students. Since we implemented in January 2012 the majority of our students have signed up, and we have been very pleased with the high activity level that we experience.
Patrick S. Gram
Relations Manager
CBS Business
Copenhagen Business School
The collaboration regarding UU CareerGate with Graduateland works out very well, always a friendly attitude and dialogue. We have gotten a natural meeting place where we can refer employers and students to meet.
Madelene Rönnberg
Study and career counselor
Student Affairs
Uppsala University
Official partners!
Leverage your university brand and expose your students' talent to the world