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Your career events online!

Connect your events online!
Connect your career activities online for a greater experience!
Regardless of what type of event you are hosting, we can help you!

Event module

Are you hosting CV workshops, guest lectures or perhaps a mingle event? Through our event module you can create your own events, gather sign ups and communicate with the participants via email for a great event hosting!

Virtual Career Fairs

Host your own virtual career fair and connect students and employers online via chat and video! We operate the best practice for hosting an independent virtual event, or you can complement your physical fair with a virtual event!

Virtual Career Fairs

Career Fair Booking System

Handle your company booking system through your own Gateway. Customise your own company sign up form, handle career fair interview bookings and communicate with both students and companies via email and SMS.

Want to know more?

We would love to show you how we can collaborate!

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