Graduateland is now trusting JobTeaser for your career, create your account now.

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Thousands of jobs, internships and thesis opportunities for your students

Job Portal
Provide your students with relevant jobs, internships and thesis collaborations.
Choose your focus and open up career opportunities in fields relevant for your students.

Career Portal

Customise your own portal with your content and decide on the field of career opportunities your students need. With our plug'n'play career portal we are up and running in no time. It is up to you to decide if we include all positions or for example simply increase the number of international internship opportunities. Or maybe you want to support your students to work with a company on their final thesis paper. +150000 jobs and projects are already waiting!

Headhunting via Graduateland LIVE

With our signature Active Sourcing tool LIVE, we enable employers to actively reach out to your students. With the permission of your students and according to the university policies, employers can reach out via chat and video calls.

Relevant Career Content

Make useful information, articles and guides accessible to your students in order to help them on their way to a successful career. Add your own material or benefit from our archive of career guides. In over 8 years and partnerships with over 10000 Employers we have gathered quite a bit of useful information and insider tips. We can also include our signature CV-builder to kickstart any career.

Reach out to us for more information

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