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Your Career Service - Your Gateway

A selection of our partners
Graduateland Virtual Career Fair
Acquire international talent online everywhere.
A virtual career fair is an online recruitment event which brings together job seekers with potential employers. The fair can be accessed simply via your internet browser and does not require the attendees to physically go anywhere.

Remember, it is YOUR Gateway!

-Choose only the services you really need-

A plug 'n' play career portal for your university.

Graduateland Gateway is a career portal, which can easily be implemented on your university’s website or student intranet. From browsing through thousands of relevant jobs and internships to easy access to career related content, this portal provides everything your students need. With our innovative LIVE tool, employers can reach your talented students at any time.

Job Portal Options


From organising Career Events, CV Training, Employer talks, and physical Career Fairs, to our newest service for universities - our Virtual Career Fairs - your Gateway can include easy and intuitive tools to cater for any type of activity.

Discover our Event tools

Admin Tools

With your personal admin tool we enable your Career Service to manage the gateway independent from us and we provide important statistics connected to your students.

And with our signature communications tool, we support your contact with students, companies and other universities.

Customize your admin area

"For both students and employers, MyCareer at Lund University has quickly become the go to place in terms of searching for jobs and young talents."
Lund University
Susanne Linné - Career Services Coordinator
"Trinity CareerGate is a great resource for Trinity students to expand their international job search."
Trinity College Dublin
Orlaith Tunney - Careers Advisory Service
"CBS CareerGate has quickly become the preferred job searching tool for our students. Since we implemented in January 2012 the majority of our students have signed up, and we have been very pleased with the high activity level that we experience."
Copenhagen Business School
Patrick S. Gram - Director, Office Of External Affairs
"The collaboration regarding UU CareerGate with Graduateland works out very well, always a friendly attitude and dialogue. We have found a natural meeting place where we can refer employers and students to meet."
Uppsala University
Madelene Grönberg - Student Affairs
"Graduateland is our partner to introduce our students to challenging and diverse job opportunities in Belgium and in the whole world. The key components in our successful cooperation are flexibility, personal contacts and proactivity."
KU Leuven
Ellen Demarsin - Career coach